Saturday, November 22, 2014

TRUST YOUR BODY Life Begins at Ninety Blog #9

I discovered  late in life that our body ought to be trusted.  Maybe it does not work for everyone but it works for me. 

 As we age things start to fall apart.

It started long ago... I had to have surgery for a new hip and then few years later a new knee.  They were damaged when I was very young, about 15 years old, when I fell from a man’s bicycle much too high for me to learn to ride.  After those operations for the first time in 75 years my legs were the same length and I didn't need lifts in one shoe.
About three years ago the surgeon decided after looking at  the x-ray that my other knee needs to be replaced. We set the date for the operation and then I changed my mind.  
I asked the good doctor if we could wait till I return from my summer place in Wellfleet, Cape Cod, like around October to do it. 

 Every single day during the summer I walked, swam, and did gentle exercises. Somehow that must have strengthened the muscles around the knee which had showed up as bone on bone in the x-rays. 
Nika on her daily walk around the Wellfleet Marina
I returned that October 3 years ago and felt no pain and no discomfort whatsoever. I told the doctor's office that in that case we will wait  till it hurts; then the operation will be necessary.  Now it is 3 years  later... I walk a lot  morning and evening and feel no pain  at all.  I do not argue, but listen to my body.  Whatever happened is a mystery!

The body maybe can find a way to repair itself given more time? 
The same thing happened with my tennis arm which needed an injection every 5 months.  I had very limited movement and constant nagging pain... not terrible, but  I knew I had an aching shoulder.

Last summer in the middle of the night I felt a release of sorts. I cannot describe it better. And now I am using this hand and arm without pain like it never happened. This is now 9 months since the last injection.  We will wait and see what the future holds.
So  I escaped two serious operations with painful and long rehab.  I'm so so grateful to have waited and given my body a chance to recuperate.

The x-rays have shown a necessity for an operation, but I decided  to wait, and am I happy!

Many of you had similar discoveries.  Maybe you will let me hear about it?
Best wishes --
            Nika smiling,  back from a long walk.

- Nika Fleissig

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