Sunday, July 12, 2015

Blog 31: Family Gathering on Cape Cod, July 2015

Blog 31: Family Gathering, July 2015

Here we all are in Wellfleet in 2015, where our daughter Alicia got married to Itzhak Magal in 1974, and our granddaughter Tali and her husband Craig Fleishman had their wedding in 2010.  So many memories of family gatherings over decades, since Alicia and Willy were babies, and now we have grown to such a large family!     We have a family reunion of  4 generations created by me with Fred’s help.  Tali and Craig’s six-month old twins, Gabriella and Amalia, will get their Hebrew names, and traditional blessings, and we will celebrate all our birthdays together.  My 95th was in May, but since we are all together now in the summer, we will combine all these happy occasions. My son Will Fleissig, with his wife Wendy and their two daughters, Ariel -12- and Mia -10- are driving up for the day from Falmouth on the Cape.  My grandson Amir is flying in to be part of the celebration as well. We will all meet at the house nearby that Tali and Craig rented for this week.  Alicia and Itzhak cannot be here as planned, since Itzhak was taken to the hospital … they had to cancel their vacation.

On Thursday, July 9, I drove to the Bistro in South Wellfleet for a delicious breakfast (where Tali and Craig had their wedding reception in 2010), kissed Phillipe, the owner, and met his French Mama and Italian Papa visiting from France.  I got a special present – his Mama had just made fresh raspberry  jam - a treasure.  Also met Eliza and daughter 2 years old who dances around the kitchen entertaining the help.
An hour later my son Willy - who had just flown with his family from San Francisco - left Falmouth, their summer place, and joined Tali and me for breakfast.  I love such impromptu unplanned adventures.  

It is a warm day, Friday, July 10.  I was counting the days until my whole family will be together to celebrate 4 generations  Fred and I started  70 years ago. Unfortunately our beloved  Rabbi Alicia  - new grandmother - could not bless the 6 month old  twins Amalia  and Gabriella  and give them their Hebrew names in person.
Still it was lovely, and will be never forgotten, such a happy afternoon.  My son Will with his beautiful three ladies: wife Wendy, and daughters Ariel and Mia came around  2pm.  Grandson Amir had arrived one day earlier.   We talked and had some nice things to eat, and then decided to go swimming in Great Pond, which we love.
It is so much fun to see the little babies just trying the water.   Tali and Craig are great parents.  I walked and swam and loved to be surrounded by my growing family - a dream come true.
Nika, Tali, Amalia
Gabriella, Tali, Nika

Tali and Craig introduce the babies to Long Pond in Wellfleet

Gabriella and Amalia nearly 6 months old

Alicia adds:  yes, this was a big disappointment not to be there in person, but I was able to participate in the baby naming by skype.  Hard not to be holding the babies in person, but at least we could all see and hear each other.  So the babies are Gabriella Roux and Amalia Belle – and their Hebrew names are Gabriella Lea, and Amalia Bracha. Tali explained the meaning and lineage of their names, and I blessed them as their Savta (grandmother in Hebrew)-Rabbi.  As I write this now on July 12, Itzhak is much better and about to be discharged from the hospital.
Skype screenshot of family gathered for baby naming
Alicia at bottom right taking picture of the computer screen;
from left - Amir, Will, Craig holding Gabriella, Tali holding Amalia, Mia, Wendy, Nika, Ariel

When we returned, everybody helped to prepare a dinner  -  what a happy time  of joking and telling stories.
Finally we all sat around the table, singing Hebrew songs and Friday evening Shabbat prayers.  Food was delicious and then I thanked them and thought of leaving the happy group. Willy said “We are not through with you.  Please sit.”
Surprise of my life when Willy pulled out a big envelope and announced – this was supposed to reach you in Sedona for your 95th birthday.
Somehow it traveled back and forth several time and got returned to Willy.  He kept it for this special evening -  what a delight.  I thought it was lost, and now Ariel and Mia were reading to me their lovely wishes. Willy and Wendy have outdone themselves-  real works  of art.

Everyone there could write about this reunion and baby naming from their own perspective.  I invite them to read this and add their own memories about what was important and memorable… Then I can add them in a future updated blog.

But truly this was a highlight for us all, a point of touching each other’s lives with joy.

- Nika Fleissig

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