Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Life Begins at 90 #25 Daily Adventures

Daughter Alicia writes:
Nearly every single day I get an email from my mother Nika telling of an adventure.  On the way to the library,  in the pool, at lunch, or at the store shopping, she meets people. They help her with groceries, or give her a ride, or engage in a long conversation.... and usually they end up visiting her at her home in the Village of Oak Creek near Sedona.  They look at and admire all of her paintings in her colorful, bright apartment.  Intrigued by her and her accent, they ask, "Where are you from?" and there starts her story... but after a very brief introduction, she says, "You'll have to read the book."  
By then, there is no choice.... they buy the book "From Miracle to Miracle, A Story of Survival" that I wrote based on her amazing and miraculous survival during World War II.  she makes new friends and touches people by her vibrant zest for living.  At 94, she truly is young in spirit.

Here is but one example of the delighted emails I receive almost daily - no edits - just in her own voice:

All I did  walked  this morning to return films  to our library-  and see a man sitting on the back of the truck-asked him to take my picture on his cell phone-and have now  beautiful 2 new friends  his lovely wife  Zoe  and Bill. I will get from Bill the book his mother has written when she was 90  - came over from Italy.They walked me home to see my paintings  and will send me from Oregon  when they return home  a book Bills mother  has written   -  arrived from Italy as a young woman  - the book she has written at 90. Should be interesting to compare notes!
I told you-  the minute I leave  home  adventure  is waiting – how lucky.  Baci  and pl write  your adventures .  Nika smiling 
I am sure   it was “bashert”  meant to be.  I am so lucky-    
Baci,  Mamusia

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